Autonomous shuttle buses in Ilmenau

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Camil person header

CAMIL is a new transport service offered by the city of Ilmenau and the Ilm district, in which driverless shuttles connect the campus of the Technische Universität Ilmenau to the city's railway station. The project is the first time in Thuringia that highly automated driving has been integrated into the regular schedule of a passenger transport company. The special novelty value here lies in the research-based preparation for higher levels of automation and networking.


Ein CAMIL-Bus am Ilmenauer Bahnhof (© Michael Reichel)

CAMIL der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt

CAMIL ist der Name des neuen selbstfahrenden Busses, der in Kürze den CAMpus der Technischen Universität Ilmenau mit der Stadt ILmenau verbinden wird.

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Zwei Kleinbusse vom Typ EasyMile EZ10 wurden am 10. Juli der IOV Omnibusverkehr GmbH Ilmenau übergeben (© ThIMo)

In Ilmenau eingetroffen: Automatisiert fahrende Kleinbusse wurden übergeben

Zwei automatisiert fahrende Kleinbusse, die in Kürze in Ilmenau im regulären Linienverkehr eingesetzt werden, wurden heute (10.06.2022) vom Fahrzeughersteller an die IOV Omnibusverkehr GmbH Ilmenau übergeben.

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About the project

At the moment, our society is facing the challenge of ensuring mobility in the long term and continuing our mobile life without restrictions. At the same time, massive changes are needed to minimize the burden of traffic and to enable the necessary transport and climate change.

The use of automated vehicles in future local public transport (LPT) will play a major role in this process of change. In the design of efficient mobility networks in local public transport, the use of digital possibilities is crucial and can massively support the development of genuine mobility alternatives to the private car.

The CAMIL project aims to build on the experience already gained in the use of automated vehicles in public transport. In doing so, the project has the clear goal of not only using the applications that are already available, but also to significantly expand and further develop them. The research groups at the Technische Universität Ilmenau and the Thüringer Mobilitätszentrum Ilmenau (ThIMo) play a central role in this research project in order to bring innovations from the Free State of Thuringia into the development process around mobility.


Kick-off event on September 15, 2022

On 15 September 2022, CAMIL was presented to the public in a festive setting. You can read more about the event in our press release.

The project partners at a glance

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IOV Omnibusverkehr GmbH Ilmenau is, along with RBA Regionalbus Arnstadt GmbH, one of two bus companies based in the Ilm district which provide bus services for the public transport authority, Ilm-Kreis Personenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH.

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Logo stadt ilmenau

The Goethe and university town of Ilmenau combines nature, industry and culture in the middle of the green Thuringian Forest. Ilmenau is located about 33 kilometres south-west of the state capital Erfurt and is the largest town in the Ilm district.

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Ilm kreis logo

The Ilm-Kreis is a district in Thuringia that encloses the metropolitan areas of the cities of Arnstadt and Ilmenau. It stretches south of Erfurt from the A4 in the north to the Rennsteig in the Thuringian Forest in the south.

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TU Ilmenau Logo

The TU Ilmenau is the only technical university in the Free State of Thuringia with degree programmes in technology, natural sciences, economics and media.

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Th I Mo Logo RGB

In accordance with its strategic orientation, the Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität (ThIMo) pursues the goal of accompanying the industry's transition to sustainable mobility technologies.

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Buero auto Bus logo Normalfall

TestBüro autoBus is a joint project office of Interlink GmbH, Mobile Zeiten and Fahrplangesellschaft B&B mbH. The common goal of the three offices is the promotion and dissemination of autonomously controlled vehicles in passenger and freight transport.

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