Quantitative surveys conducted before and after the introduction of the shuttles are a central research tool to compare expectations, fears and attitudes. In the context of media content analyses, thematic focal points and evaluations in the reporting are also examined, as this has an opinion-forming influence on public perception. The research results can, for example, produce important findings in the field of experienced driving comfort for the engineering sciences. But they also provide information about the areas in which educational work is still necessary so that the population can realistically assess the risks and opportunities of autonomous driving. In this way, a social discourse can also be conducted regionally in order to help shape the mobility of the future.
How can you get involved and support our project?
- Take a ride with CAMIL. Here you'll find all the information you need about the route, travel times and ticket prices.
- Tell us what you think. Here you will find various ways to contact us.
- Transform mobility as we know it with us and help shape local transport in Ilmenau by taking part in our surveys:
All citizens of the city of Ilmenau can find our second survey on automated minibuses in the Amtsblatt issue of July 28, 2023.
of the TU Ilmenau can participate in our second online survey since
July 13, 2023, which was sent via e-mail to the active-staff and
active-students mailing lists.
A passenger survey on the driving
experience with CAMIL will start soon, as well. You will find all the
information here on the website shortly.